Our third and
last day in Ilocos started early. We had lots of plans for the day. The private resort we stayed in was located seaside and it was beautiful! :)
And ofcourse who would forget about THIS. HAHAHA our very own portrait ala Meteor Garden cast :P
HAHAHAHA we couldn't stay serious for so long. it's totally... impossible HAHAHAHA
Moving On, we headed to the road and reached our first stop for the day! VIGAN! ofcourse you can never never forget to visit this place if your going to Ilocos.

Due to yesterday's wild imagination of grasses as vegetable salad and temptation to eat the cows alive...nah i'm just kidding!!! maybe hahaha we headed to Mcdo to eat lunch before heading to the tour :)
we had the chance to ride the Kalesa! I was really excited about this because my last kalesa ride was years and years ago.
The good thing about it too is it stops at every tourist spot inside Vigan so DON'T MISS IT!!
the gang at the Bell Tower with Bob the photobomber HAHAHA :) |
YES BOB fierce! pang ANTM! hahaha |
Couple moment! CHOSSSSS Hi Seatmate if you're reading this! :))))) |
Time to go down! |
Our next stop was a Museum, sadly i forgot what it was called but it was just a few blocks away from the Bell Tower! hahaha and say hi to Redentor! or should i say goodbye? LOL
HAHAHA EPIC =))))) |
After that we went to the most exciting part of VIGAN...
it was breathtaking.
GUESS WHO!!! hahaha |
Hi miss! :))))) |
Our last stop before heading back to Kim's place was BALUARTE. It is a zoo owned by Chavit Singson. And before you judge, admission is FREE. yes hard to believe, but yes it is free.
I Salute you for that Mr. Singson!
To get near the animals, you need to ride this mini kalesa inspired ride
wherein mini horses pull you. Again, for free! ;)
I went together with Kenneth and we had so much fun meeting Chavit Singson's animal friends! :D HAHAHA
Too bad we weren't able to get near the camel because "Manong Kuchero" was too busy texting to ask Kenneth and I if we wanna stop for a while and take a picture with the camel!!!! :( HAHAHA

Moving on, there was an animal show around 4:30 i think and we were just in time when we got there!
the show started and i gladly volunteered myself as the first tribute! CHOS I don't know what i was thinking! guess i felt brave at that moment. hahaha i went inside and the guy asked me to close my eyes and raise my right arm. and i was like OMG WHYYYYY? :O
BUT looks like i can't back out anymore so i did it anyway.
It was a tiny little Australian creature. I totally forgot what i was called, or maybe i wasn't paying attention cause i was too nervous while the guy was explaining what the creature was HAHAHA I have to admit it's a cute little thing. But this creature poofing straight into my hand...NOT CUTE!!! hahahaha
Some of my friends got brave enough to take the challenge too! The last challenge, the guy asked 10 volunteers...I was so ready to run when Kenneth said he thinks the next one's going to be a huge snake!!! But i decided to face my fear and not run away hahahaha
So what happened? Well it was SLIMY :O Good thing i was at the middle part so the snakes' head is nowhere near me, so it was tolerable! hahaha SUCCESS!
we freaked out a bit cause the tiger suddenly did this! :| HAHAHA
Our last sunset at ILOCOS right before my battery died hahaha |
We said goodbye to Baluarte after the show, ate dinner then headed back to prepare for our departure :(